Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dr Sketchy's Anti Art School - 11.13.11

This week's Dr Sketchy's was great because I had the added bonus of seeing an old high school friend - stage name Maria LaGrave. Unfortunately, I didn't get my usual spot so it took me some time to get into my groove.

But at least I won the secondary prize of a candied apple that were leftovers from a wedding the previous evening. The monster pic did it.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Palette & Chisel (Quick Sketch) - 11.11.11

Yeah I made it to Chi Town again. I was hopeful of getting out of my drawing funk but I didn't get out until the end. Not many great drawings, but here are a few.....

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Studio Sketch - 10.23.11

One of the Dr Sketchy's regulars has started having drawing sessions at her studio. When I heard this, I loved it and wanted to hop on board ASAP. It never fails that a new drawing adventure usually wakes something up in my drawing.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Palette & Chisel (Model Marathon) - 9.5.11

Its official. I hit all three model marathons in Chicago this year. Starting the year off there was probably the best idea I ever had for New Years.

You know, I felt like I got somewhere with my drawing this time. Palette changing is good.
I miss Chi Town already...

Local Sketch - 9.3.2011

Monday, August 29, 2011

Weird progression

There was that nagging in my core that I was slowly heading down the same path I did the last time I was unemployed. Calls came in bringing hope but turned into the same disappointments when they realized my skills were dated.

This left me thinking, what do I do now? I have no money for additional schooling and I want to avoid student loans like the plague.

I began digging for jobs again. Probably more ferociously than ever before. I had to find that one job that involved technology but would keep me somewhat sane. And I did, sort of.

Library, computers, helping other people out, and learning new things on the job - perfect combo for me. It makes me nervous that its not full time for I have bills, no savings, and just getting by. However, it will make me feel "human" to work again and it is a great opportunity that could turn into another career.

I've been asked many times if I ever thought about teaching, so this might be a good way to figure it out and possibly gain some teaching experience too. Tutor to teacher are in the same realm right?

In the meantime, I'm also trying to get into a grant program that is geared to help people get into "green jobs". This may lead me to receive funding to update my technical skills.
And maybe, just maybe, guide me to a full time job that will keep my mind "working".

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that even though my finances will be rough come winter that I will soldier through this. The goal is to gain knowledge, become a stand out, and move forward. If I can find a way to help others in the process, that will be a bonus.

I no longer need someone else to promise me hope...

Drawing in Chicago for Labor Day feels like a possible "can do" at the moment.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School - 7.24.11

One Art form to Another

Seeking employment once again.

This time, I have learned to change up any prejudices about finding work while the employers haven't given up theirs. They can now have the best pick of the crop, while talented people are shucked into alternative job roles that don't get them back to where they want to be. Survival mode needs to kick in.

You may see my travels to Chicago, local art group, and Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School sketches appear at a minimum here. I'll just draw what I can when I can without having to spend too much money. I have all the tools at home, and I must overcome my stresses about my house and being able to create in it.

I've taken up exploring another art that I never thought I would and once feared doing - acting.

After putting it off in 2008 during my worse unemployment dry spell, I was able to take 2 acting classes this year for character study and improv. I'm glad I took them when I did because you end up meeting people that take you on a path you would never expect....

Now, I find myself carpooling with friends to film auditions and seeking extras casting. Yesterday, I was a first time movie extra for a local film (and learned the headaches of background noises - queue bar refrigerator noises). No cash payment but you have to start somewhere. An acting resume is now prepped and I am debating whether or not to get professional head shots when I'm not thrilled how I look right now and low on cash. I don't want to get them and not ever use them.

It just seems crazy to me to invest too much into this when the governor of the state has disrupted the film incentive program. A state that once hosted the idea of entering the movie industry saw the Hollywood draw fizzled out a little. Other films pulled out and moved to other states. This resulted in lost job opportunities and business for local companies in a state that has already suffered a major blow from jobs lost in the auto industry.

But I press on solely for the thrill of learning. I didn't really take the classes to be in movies anyway. There is something about "my" character that has changed over the years. My momentum was lost somewhere. I figure a recipe for self exploration and an infusion of extrovert mentality (for an introvert) would help the process.

Currently, the job market relies on who you know to get your foot in the door. I felt I needed to learn how to speak, how to be, and how to sell myself as being extraordinary. But I also need to learn who I am in the process.

Solace time in the library has went from studying technology to digging into the art of acting. (I've been shot down for so many IT jobs that I'm already prepared for audition rejections.) Character study is no easy feat and relies on the power of observation. Improv requires practice in a group setting. (My short term goal is to jump into Open Improv night so I can stop being a chicken.) If I get into the Scene Study class in the Fall, I would be eligible to join the theatre troupe class. I know theatre experience is a good thing. However, I'm taking it one step at a time....

Acting is purely for fun as I try to work out my drawing adventures.
But the first thing to do is find a steady job again...

P.S. Note to self. Don't be jumping up for Open Improv if you don't roll with the "offers". You know when you are ready. Mantra : Review, Research, Reboot, and Retry. Tonight's epic fail just makes me want to try again....and just do better.